1. I.D.F.'s gear list is only for refference so that other people interested in this music genre would have a guidance point when hunting for similar sounds. As you can see, we prefer to use cheap & underrated synths precisely to show that ok results can be obtained without using very expensive gear; which doesn't mean we are against using expensive fancy gear - whatever floats your boat. But for us, low-budget is fun :)
2. We don't endorse any company; we don't advocate for any particular product and will not comment on its overall performance because that depends on the rest of the gear chain (especially regarding VSTs). Plus we don't like to bash brands just because it's trendy to trash-talk everything on the Internet.
3. We prefer to work "on the fly", thus using only factory presets and stock sound banks (except for guitars). Kudos to the preset creators - but it's not our thing. We just like to grab whatever we can get our hands on and give it a spin. Our philosophy is "if something sounds bad right out of the box, then it's not worth tweaking it" because it kills the creating vibe.
4. Regarding VSTs: in 2013 we moved to a strict freeware/abandonware only setup (combined with FL Studio's native synths). We still love commercial plugins, but our machine can't keep up the pace with the latest releases anymore and on the other hand we got tired of all the hassle we had to go through after system reinstalls in order to reauthorise all plugins. We generally preffer trance oriented synths and our music is heavily based on arps. We love everything digital & don't care about analogue emulations. Our VST arsenal reflects that.
5. This being said...on with the list...
- Synths: M-Audio Venom, Korg MicroX, Novation XioSynth, Yamaha RM1x.
- Guitars: Jackson SL1, Jackson DK2M (Limited), Ibanez SZ320.
- Basses: Ibanez SRT905DX, Ibanez SR505, SR505M, SR705, SR605 & Ibanez K5.
- Others: Line 6 POD Studio UX2, Audigy 2ZS Platinum Pro.
- DAW: Adobe Audition 3 (multitracking & editing), FL Studio 9 (synths & drums)
- VST Synths:
Synapse Audio: Dune BE, Junglist, Zampler
Image-Line: Harmor, Morphine, Poizone, Sytrus
U-He: Podolski, Triple Cheese, Zebra CM, Zebralette
TubeOhm: Phasewave Mono, Pure-Pone Mono
Cakewalk: Rapture, Z3ta+
Archetype Instruments: Arc 5 (J-Path)
Kv331Audio: SynthMaster Free, SynthMaster Player Free Camel Audio: Alchemy Player
Tone2: Firebird+
Minisoftmusik: Uniretro Pro
Cableguys: Curve 2 BE
De La Mancha: Dirty Harry
Ummet Ozcan: Genesis
Futucraft: Kairatune
Fuzzpilz: Oatmeal
Madrona Labs: Aalto Solo
Togu Audio Line: Tal-NoiseMaker
Saltline: Swierk
Ugo: Rez 2