We accept link exchange requests from bands and webzines; however, we don't upload banners on our website (due to limited webspace) - just simple links, like the ones below. If you're still interested, contact I.D.F. at: ingeralb333@yahoo.com
REZISTOR http://rezistor.eu5.org
TELURICA http://telurica.eu5.org
I.D.F. REVERBNATION PAGE http://www.reverbnation.com/idf
ATTRACTOR http://www.myspace.com/attractorsm
HARDWIRE http://www.hardwirecentral.com
UNK! http://www.unk.be/
BURLAK http://www.burlak.net/
TWILIGHT13 MEDIA http://twilight13media.com/
DJ HYPNOS http://djhypnos.darknation.eu/
ELECTROBLOG RO http://www.electroblogro.com/